
Topic #3: Trendline (Quantitative Analysis)

Our next topic will be Trendline Analysis. In this topic, we will be making a program that would require us to input the size and the data. Then the outpout would be the equation of the trendline. Assuming that there is  no seasons involved. To start, we need to declare all the variables we will be using. Here are the variables:
    Dim x As Single
    Dim y() As Single
    Dim xsum As Single
    Dim ysum As Single
    Dim xsqsum As Single
    Dim xysum As Single
    Dim n As Integer
    Dim b1 As Single
    Dim b0 As Single
    Dim response As Single
Then, we need to put a code in order for us to input the data and the data size.
n = Application.InputBox("Enter number of data.")   
    ReDim y(1 To n) As Single
    For x = 1 To n
        y(x) = Application.InputBox("enter data " & x)
After the data input, we need to do the necessary solutions to solve for the trendline equation. In my work, i used the normal equation method instead of the conventional way to minimize rounding errors. Here is how normal equation works:

Now, if we solve it manually, you will be using systems of equations involving two variables to determine the value of b0 and b1.

Now for solving using visual basic, we need to put the code below:
        xsum = 0
        ysum = 0
        xsq = 0
        xysum = 0
    For x = 1 To n
        xsum = xsum + x
        ysum = ysum + y(x)
        xsqsum = xsqsum + x ^ 2
        xysum = xysum + y(x) * x
    b1 = (ysum * xsum - n * xysum) / (xsum ^ 2 - n * xsqsum)
    b0 = (ysum - b1 * xsum) / n
Now for the output, we need to put this code:
response = MsgBox("the equation is y=" & b1 & "x + " & b0 & ".", vbOKOnly)

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