
Topic #2: Mode (Statistics)

The next thing we would be doing is to create a program that will generate the mode of a given data. By definition, mode is the number which appears most often in a set of numbers.. We would be using the code for arranging data from the previous topic. I’ll put the code below:
    countmin = 0
    For indexdata = 1 To sizedata
        If min = data(indexdata) Then
            countmin = countmin + 1
        End If
    For indexsort = 1 To countmin
        For indexdata = 1 To sizedata
            If min = data(indexdata) Then
                sorteddata(indexsort) = data(indexdata)
            End If
    datanum = countmin
    For indexrange = 1 To range
        For indexdata = 1 To (sizedata)
            If data(indexdata) = min + indexrange Then
                sorteddata(datanum + 1) = data(indexdata)
                datanum = datanum + 1
            End If
The code above will be be sorting the data. Don’t forget to declare every variables. Next is to count every repeatitions in the data. All we have to do is to input the code below:
    For indexcount = 1 To sizedata
        If (indexcount + 1) <= sizedata Then
            If sorteddata(indexcount) = sorteddata(indexcount + 1) Then
                For indexdata = 1 To sizedata
                    If sorteddata(indexcount) = sorteddata(indexdata) Then
                       count(indexcount) = count(indexcount) + 1
                    End If
            End If
            For indexdata = 1 To sizedata
                    If sorteddata(indexcount) = sorteddata(indexdata) Then
                       count(indexcount) = count(indexcount) + 1
                    End If
        End If
After getting the count of every value in the data, we would be getting the most count. We would be using the code below:
    For indexcount = 1 To sizedata
        If (indexcount + 1) <= sizedata Then
            If sorteddata(indexcount) = sorteddata(indexcount + 1) Then
                For indexdata = 1 To sizedata
                    If sorteddata(indexcount) = sorteddata(indexdata) Then
                       count(indexcount) = count(indexcount) + 1
                    End If
            End If
            For indexdata = 1 To sizedata
                    If sorteddata(indexcount) = sorteddata(indexdata) Then
                       count(indexcount) = count(indexcount) + 1
                    End If
        End If
There would be a problem if we have multiple modes. Because the codes given will only show only one mode. To fix the problem, we will be inserting the code below:
    If maxcount > 1 Then
        countmode = 0
        For indexdata = 1 To sizedata
            If maxcount = count(indexdata) Then
                countmode = countmode + 1
            End If
        ReDim mode(1 To countmode) As Single
        modenum = 0
        For indexdata = 1 To sizedata
            If maxcount = count(indexdata) Then
                modenum = modenum + 1
                mode(modenum) = sorteddata(indexdata)
            End If
    End If
Next, we would be applying the appropriate words to our output. We just have to put the code below:
    If countmode = 1 Then
        isare = "is"
        modesmode = "mode"
        isare = "are"
        modesmode = "modes"
    End If
The last step is to show our the results. The code below also is flexible for bimodal and trimodal problems.
    response = MsgBox("there " & isare & " " & countmode & " " & modesmode)
    For indexmode = 1 To countmode
        response = MsgBox("the " & modesmode & " " & isare & ": " & mode(indexmode))

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